Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 4: FREE POST - Publishing/Leadership Project Park 2 of 2 - Where and Why

I touched on this in my previous post, but I will talk more about it here again. I think the idea of a presentation is great. I think of all the TED videos I watch and think, wow, I wish I could do that. That being said I found myself drawn to the paper for two reasons:

1. It allowed me to show the world my lit review that I feel I worked very hard on.
2. I am continuing the challenge as a part of my position at work now and I wanted a solid paper to submit to my University's Technology Roundtable group for funding to further expand the online policies and procedures manual and mentoring program.

I will definitely be focusing on publications that emphasize the application of technology and not so much the theoretical background of it. While I think that the theory behind it is important, my interests lie primarily in making things happen through active change.

(photo credit: Davide Restivo on Flickr)

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