Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week 3 - The Art of Possibility: Lead by Example

Chapters 5 through 8 have been my favorite thus far. I highlighted much of the text for my own personal use to reflect on again later and I even stole a quote and put it on Facebook.
"Being present to the way things are is not the same as accepting things as they are...It doesn't mean you should drown out your negative feelings or pretend you like what you really can't stand. It doesn't mean you should work to achieve some "higher plane of existence" so you can "transcend negativity." It simply means, being present without resistance: being present to what is happening and present to your reactions, no matter how intense."- The Art of Possibility
What I read resonated with me and I know that I will be able to put it all into practice.Two items stood out to me the first being the story in Chapter 5 regarding the National Youth Orchestra of Cuba and the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. It mirrored a story of my own that actually came about while doing my Challenge Based Research project. The story in the Art of Possibility talks about two orchestras coming together and having difficulty with each other's pieces of music. Each orchestra struggles to follow the conductor leading the pieces and all seems to be failing until one conductor suggests letting the students who know the piece lead the students who don't. This takes the pressure off of the unknowing students and allows the other to become natural leaders.

In conducting my Challenge Based Research Project, this situation occurred with my administrators. I had both experienced and inexperienced/newly hired ones in the same meeting. We were discussing the merits of creating a handbook and training manual for all administrators. Through discussion emerged a brilliant idea to start a mentoring program in which more experienced administrators could train and give guidance to new administrators while also allowing new administrators to bring some creativity and change to many of the processes. Needless to say it all worked out very well and we are continuing the challenge based research I conducted continuously into the future as a group of administrators working to make change within the University.
The other main "Ah-ha" moment that resonated with me was the Rule Number 6. I often have a problem of taking my self too seriously and reading this chapter put that "practice" into context for me. It allowed me to examine further how I take myself to seriously and when/if it does happen again how to diffuse it. I wish I could make copies of this chapter and give it to everyone I know, not to force it on anyone as the book says, but just to give others the chance as I have to realize that we all at one point or another take ourselves too seriously and this does us all no good in the long run. Live and let live, right?!
(photo credits: 1. Chair by misbrzi  2. Flickr


  1. Crystal!
    I agree with you about being too serious in certain situations. I always get tagged as having the “fun” subject and I try my best to fight against it. Ultimately, I come across very serious, instead of passionate about my subject, which is what I want to demonstrate in the classroom. I want my classroom to be an engaging place and I guess the first step in that direction is not taking everything too seriously. I think the book stresses for everyone to find opportunities to bloom, grow and experience life to the fullest.

    Tracye L. Salters

  2. I love the concept behind your CBR project! What a neat study to even try to replicate in the classroom with students! This brings peer counseling up to a whole new level. I have always felt that students are so much more interested in listening to their classmates than to me. I tried a project last semester where I divided my class up into 5 groups of 6 and assigned each group a lesson to teach to the class. They had expectations for teaching and their lesson plans had to be approved by me. They were required to incorporate technology, lecture-discussion, a class activity, assessment and each member of the group had to be involved in all aspects of the planning and the presentation. I then let them take charge of their entire class period and teach their lesson while I graded their presentation skills. Just like your CBR project, the class was a success because the peer assistance that was available throughout the lesson was memorable for the students. Great job on your project!

  3. Great connection, Crystal. I too began to see this as the art of the win-win. The experience informed the newbies and the techies informed the luddites! LOL! I too was relieved in this section. The passage you quote is a great one. We don't need to create absolute fictions, but we do need to cope with reality in a way that enables us to move on productively, no? I like Ben's example about weather and Roz's example about ice. Either one of them could have given up and pouted and maybe they did for a bit of time. But then the creative reframing happened in their own perception and they were able to move on and enjoy themselves more.

    And I too, see how this can be related to not taking myself so seriously. Is it the New Yorker in us? That hit-me-with-your-best-shot attitude that needs to take a backset sometimes to make way for other possibilities?

  4. First, I love the photo. The depth and field mixed with the contrast and shadows makes this photo quite artistic. I had to laugh reading your comments on wanting to share the philosophies of The Art of Possibility to everyone you meet. I think I have told at least 10 people including the students I work with about Rule No. 6. I am working on putting this Rule into habit for I know I do take myself and life, at times, too seriously. I am happy that you found a connection from Zanders and applied the ‘aha’ moment to come together with your staff and create something that allows you to help others succeed while obtaining objectives for yourself as well.


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