Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So many Web 2.0 tools....so little time. I poured over many cool Web 2.0 tools and it was hard to choose just one. Needless to say, I have saved many of them for future use.

One particular tool caught my eye as something r/evolutionary. It's called Qwiki. I'm sure everyone is familiar with Wikipedia, which is an encyclopedia of wiki pages that anyone can edit. Endless amounts of information at your fingertips with just one little click of a button and so much more to learn by following all the hypertext.

I've learned a lot about brain-based learning in the last few classes along with the different learning styles and how we can teach more effectively by incorporating different elements into the classroom and in lessons. Qwiki is a great example of this. It takes Wikipedia, which is essentially a text based encyclopedia with some visuals and makes it ten times more visual and even adds an auditory element.

The founders call it an "information experience". What makes this tool unique is that a computer is compiling all the information presented. The site is currently in alpha and is taking any suggestions or  comments by users to make the site better and even more comprehensive.

Here's how it works:
1. You search:


2. Qwiki does its magic. It provides you with a visual movie with images and video you can grab and use (as long as you credit the original source) and a brief spoken background on what you are researching. See it in action...

Qwiki even provides you with links to get more information on your topic and to other Qwikis related to your topic.


I love this tool in general because I'm always looking up things on the web. I really appreciate the use of the visuals and the auditory features. This could have so many uses at my university. I envision students using this site as a starting point for their research. Although brief, the information and links to other sites provided give students a good jumping-off point to find other sources to do their research online. It also helps them in gathering visuals and movies they may want to include for their presentations. As the site continues to grow, I think its uses will multiply. I can definitely see myself using this now and in the future. I believe firmly in instilling or should I say reviving creativity in education. I think this site is a good start and is just one great example of how we can take the traditional method of something and make it even better.

As I mentioned, the site is currently in Alpha, which means it's in the beginning phases of testing. I highly suggest saving this tool in your bookmarks to use...if not now, then when it moves to beta testing. I signed up and was given an account in the same day. I was also given unlimited invites!!!
So if you'd like to try it out drop me a note....here....and I'll send one your way.


  1. Qwiki sounds very interesting! I want to check it out and see if I can use it for my art classes! My IB kids have to research constantly, and this might be a beneficial tool for them to use. A one stop shop like this one can help them do things more efficiently!
    I would like to try it out!
    Thanks for the invite!

  2. Crystal-
    Great find! I can't wait to share this with my students!

  3. I agree! I found this Qwiki site really interesting. Have you looked very much up on it? I know it's so new, but it has a lot to offer.

  4. Yes. I've been playing around with it quite a bit. They have a good foundation of items right now and this selection expands by the day. The founder of this site is from Google (go figure). I will be sure to keep an eye on it and post any new cool developments.

  5. What a great blog you have it is very colorful and inviting. The web 2.0 tool that you have found Qwiki could be a very valuable tool for students to use to find information. I also like it because it will talk to you and you wont have to do all the reading. I think this tool could be great to be used in some of the special needs areas for student that need for the information to be read to them, that would take one less person to have it done because they can listen from the website.

  6. Crystal-
    My students loved the Qwiki site! I introduced them to the site on Friday and we were able to watch the video pitch from the founders. Students signed up immediately after the video! I was excited to see them excited!
    The site will help them with engaging research in variety of classes.

  7. I'm so glad your students liked it. They seem to have sounded as excited as I was when I found it. I think this site is truly a gem.

  8. Crystal,

    The Qwiki site was very interesting and I am glad that you have shared this site with everyone. This site would be awesome for me to use in class with my students as well. I am sure that they too will enjoy using this site. Thanks again Crystal!


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